Download Arctic Heat Series by Kris Eton (.ePUB)

Arctic Heat Series by Kris Eton (Books 1~3)
Requirements: ePUB Reader, 202 Kb
Overview: Kris is a thirty-something mom with 2 kids who lives far, far away from civilization, which means she has plenty of quiet nights (and days) to write. She is a movie addict, can bake a mean muffin, and loves reading historical romance – though she’d never try to write one.
For four years, she worked hard to become published. GOING DOWN was her first real, live book. She’s currently busy writing a few others. Kris likes writing contemporary, sexy stories, but also has an interest in shapeshifter books.
Genre: Paranormal Erotic Romance

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Ice Black: Dr. Hannah Preston, a climatology expert, takes a six-month assignment at an isolated arctic research station. But when she meets her co-workers she’s shocked to discover they’re wolf shapeshifters, and so is she! To learn more about her abilities, she must find her sexual fulfillment…and multiples are encouraged.

Ice Red: Kerry Campbell is a shapeshifter who can’t shift. Selected to join other wolf shifters at their arctic facility, Kerry feels like a freak. She’s redheaded, for one, and she can’t manage to shift no matter how many partners or what kinds of sex she tries.
A mysterious duo of dominating shifters sneak into her room one night and show her what kind of shifter she was meant to be, an arctic fox. But who are they? And will they accept a fox as a mate?

Ice White: Anna Gustafson can’t remain in shifter form for more than five minutes. Although she thinks she has found an acceptable mate at the shifters’ Antarctic facility, during a snow squall she becomes trapped in a storage shed with a human male, Caleb.
A very attractive human male. Anna allows herself one night of forbidden passion, but discovers that it will never be enough. Can Anna stand up to the stringent rules of her shifter clan to claim her true mate?

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