Download Arcadia series by Mary Brock Jones (.ePUB)

Arcadia series by Mary Brock Jones (#1-2)
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 959 KB
Overview: Mary Brock Jones lives in Auckland, New Zealand, but loves nothing more than to escape into the other worlds in her head, to write science fiction and historical romances. Sedate office worker by day; frantic scribbler by night.
Genre: Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy

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1. Torn
Two ecological engineers must change their world to save it.

Eons ago, ecological engineers like Caleb and Fee designed their world. But even the best designs wear out eventually. Now, Arcadia is threatened with environmental collapse, and only the men and women of the Survey can save it.

“Storms, floods, drought. Don’t bother taking your pick,” says the planet, “you’re going to get the lot.”

When the Survey sends tree-loving Fee to help make a lake smack in the middle of Caleb’s desert plains, he’s less than thrilled. His family has deep ancestral and economic ties to their dusty land. If they knew what Caleb and Fee were doing, they’d run them out of town.

So, the two must work in secret, altering entire landscapes before the locals find out and try to stop them. An impossible task, surely, when the only thing they have in common is a love for the very places they must change. But why Fee and Caleb, and what does the Survey truly plan for them?

2. Taken
Fix your planet or we’ll do it for you, warns the Alliance—and then we’ll take it from you.

Ethan Winter wants nothing more from life than to run his family’s solar energy business. But that business has been attacked, he’s been imprisoned and brutalised, his planet threatened, and to protect his company he must work with a woman set on fighting him every step of the way. The planet Arcadia’s environment is dangerously unbalanced and the Alliance is demanding they fix it or lose their home world. The Alliance of Human Worlds doesn’t make empty threats.

Union organiser, daughter of a workshop supervisor and a fiery politician, Sarwenna Beren is prepared for a fight from the moment Ethan Winter arrives at her remote desert town surrounded by rumours of change. He’s rich, powerful and heir to the family that owns the town’s main business, a massive solar field stretching deep into the desert. His arrival threatens the jobs of all those who have put their trust in her. Sar isn’t about to let him shut down the one place keeping her town alive.

Then a boy goes missing in the desert and they are thrown together in the search for him—only to come under attack from a strange beam and an unknown flyer that nearly kills them both. Ethan and Sarwenna must find out who is behind the mysterious attacks and why. It doesn’t help that both have their own suspicions about who is helping their attackers. Suspicions that must be kept secret, especially from each other.

You don’t betray family.

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