Download Apocosmos, Books 1-2 by Dimitrios Gkirgkiris (.M4B)

Apocosmos, Books 1-2 by Dimitrios Gkirgkiris
Requirements: .M4A/.M4B reader, 865mb
Overview: Alex is a game developer, though he’d much rather stream RPG classics or spend time with Louie. That’s his adorable corgi. He also hates people. Not in a homicidal way but rather in an extremely antisocial one.

Unless you hurt Louie. In such an instant, Alex is pulled into the Apocosmos, where our whole world is just a blip in a colorful tapestry of a million others.
Genre: Audiobooks > Fiction


BOOK 1 Berserker

Apocosmos – a multiverse ruled by a strict system. Where Norse, Greek, and Celtic pantheons clash. Where dwarves craft, dragons hoard, and vampires don’t glitter. A world that is as cruel as epic.
Alex wants none of that though. He just wants to earn an early retirement somewhere in Spain. There’s money to be made in the Apocosmos. Alex will take advantage of the market just like he did in his MMORPG days, in what seems like an error-proof plan.
But it’s a zero-sum game, and some people would do anything to eliminate competition.

BOOK 2 Magus

Alex is dominating the New York arrow market and preparing to bind his soul with his best-corgi friend.
Louie is learning spells and enjoying life’s ultimate pleasure, bacon.
Rory is crafting items to his heart content, saving up to get his ancestral home back.
They all drop what they’re doing to help their friend, Leo, who has been taken hostage.
Their nemesis is using him as leverage to get back a book that is as powerful as mysterious.
Listen to the captivating continuation of the Berserker’s tale.
A story with twists and turns that leads to how he willingly became a slave in a ludus outside of the nine hells.

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