Download Ape House by Sara Gruen (.ePUB) (.LIT) (.PDF)

Ape House by Sara Gruen
Requirements: MS Reader, .ePUB reader, PDF reader, 4,350 KB
Overview: Gruen has moved from a circus elephant to family of bonobo apes. When the apes are kidnapped from a language laboratory, their mysterious appearance on a reality TV show calls into question our assumptions about these animals who share 99.4% of our DNA.
A devoted animal lover, Gruen has had a life-long fascination with human-ape discourse, and a particular interest in Bonobo apes, who share 99.4% of our DNA. She has studied linguistics and a system of lexigrams in order to communicate with apes, and is one of the few visitors who has been allowed access to the Great Ape Trust

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