Download Angel’s Blade by Destiny Hawkins (.ePUB)

Angel’s Blade by Destiny Hawkins (Angel #2)
Requirements: ePUB Reader 463 kb
Being a doppelganger of a powerful princess wasn’t all that it was cracked up to be. Even though Lina was the most powerful woman in Vernasia, she could still be drained, and that’s exactly what happened after escaping Mooralshia. On the bright side, her powers could regenerate, and with the proper resources, she would be back to good health, but what resources could she and Verenda find in the desert?
Where ever those resources were, they needed to find them fast. Ghost Soldiers and Sand Manipulators were a lot to put up with without powers.

After fighting back into the world of the living, Angel found himself with a new gift and a new goal, but nothing’s changed since before his death. He still had to find Lina and save Vernasia from the Dark King, starting with a dimensional world that his companions were just beginning to call home: Mooralshia, but he couldn’t do it alone. Even with the gift that Princess Shalina granted him, Angel wasn’t confident that he could stand against a horde of flesh eating demons on his own. He needed his team, or as Marian would call them: The Angel Squad.
His only hope was that they were willing to fight by his side once more.
Genre: Children’s & Young Adult


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