Download Andrea Kellner Series by Dana Killion (.ePUB)

Andrea Kellner Series by Dana Killion (#1-2)
Requirements: ePUB Reader, 801 KB
Overview: Dana Killion grew up in a small town in northern Wisconsin, reading Nancy Drew and dreaming of living surrounded by tall buildings. A career in the apparel industry satisfied her city living urge and Nancy Drew evolved into Cornwell, Fairstein, and Evanovich.
Genre: Mystery & Crime

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1. Lies in High Places
A journalist. A sniper. A city on edge.

As investigative journalist Andrea Kellner is heading out of Chicago for a long weekend, a driver in front of her is shot and killed. The city’s gang violence problems have spilled onto a major expressway for the third time in a month.

Or is something else at play?

Her career faltering and marriage all but over, Andrea desperately needs a win, provided she can find out what’s really behind the shootings.

With a boss who wants her sitting on the sidelines—or back in his bed, a competitive co-worker who just wants her gone, and a detective blinded by his own past, Andrea must look past CPD’s explanation and discover the truth behind the shootings. Provided she can live to tell the story.

2. The Last Lie
A string of poisonings. A trial by gunpoint. Meeting her deadline is a matter of life and death…

Investigative journalist Andrea Kellner never lets anything get between her and her next scoop. So when a grief-stricken man crashes a charity gala and demands answers for his daughter’s death, Andrea knows it’s her duty to investigate. But she never expected him to point the blame-and his gun-at her date and his energy drink empire.

When Andrea’s sister falls ill after ingesting the same exact beverage, her case gets even more personal. To uncover the truth behind the contamination, the journalist must confront the man she thought she knew and corporate execs with hush money to spare. With her sister’s life in peril, Andrea will stop at nothing to break the story before the death toll rises.

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