Download Ancient Society and Institutions by Victor Ehrenberg (.PDF)

Ancient Society and Institutions: Studies presented to Victor Ehrenberg on his 75th birthday by Victor Ehrenberg
Requirements: .PDF reader, 23 mb
Overview: The Introduction to a volume of this kind should above all be short. If the scholar honoured needs a long introduction to the readers, then the volume ought not to have been published. Victor Ehrenberg certainly does not need one. Like a great Latin poet, he might claim to have three souls: a German and an English one, representing the two languages in which he writes with equal ease, and a Classical one, providing the content of his work. Nor have they been kept in artificial isolation. The study of ideas, their history and their importance, which we may safely call the German ingredient, has been blended with English attention to concrete fact; and it is all pervaded by that humanitas—a human sympathy polished and refined by education—that (alas) was not, on the whole, characteristic of antiquity, but that has become the tradition of the best of those who study it.

How much specialists have profited by Ehrenberg’s works will be clear from this volume itself: there are few contributors who have not found occasion to refer to the stimulus received from Neugründer des Staates, Alexander and the Greeks, or the volumes on Classical Athens. That this interest in his work is not confined to specialists is clear from the translations and paperback editions listed in the Bibliography. The contributors to this volume therefore speak for a very large public in expressing the hope, on Victor Ehrenberg’s 75th birthday, that he will have many years yet in which to instruct and delight us with his writings.
Genre: Non-Fiction > History


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