Download An Unmerciful Incursion by Lynn Bryant (.ePUB)

An Unmerciful Incursion: Book Six of the Peninsular War Saga by Lynn Bryant
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 486 KB
Overview: In the winter of 1812-13, Lord Wellington’s army settles into cantonments on the border between Spain and Portugal to recover from the gruelling retreat from Burgos and to plan for the next campaigning season, but winter quarters prove less than peaceful for the third brigade of the light division.

Colonel Paul van Daan finds himself temporarily seconded to the headquarters staff, looking at improving training ahead of the new campaign, but changes within his brigade bring him into conflict with Leonard Vane, the new commander of the 115th who is loathed by the officers, the men and their women. His wife Anne, recovering from the birth of her daughter, befriends a new officers’ wife and takes an interest in the welfare of some of the camp women, with unpredictable results.

Major Carl Swanson is delighted to receive a promotion, and happy in his love affair with Keren Trenlow but a clash with Major Vane leaves Carl face to face with a decision he has been avoiding.

Away from the main army, Captain Giles Fenwick and Captain Michael O’Reilly are sent on a mission to the northern coast of Spain to locate a missing diplomat. Caught up in the bloody conflict between French troops and Spanish irregulars, Giles and Michael are pushed to the limits of their endurance as their journey culminates in the brutal storming of Castro Urdiales and its appalling aftermath.
Genre: Fiction > General Fiction/Classics


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