Download An Undesirable Marriage by Meriel Brooke (.ePUB)

An Undesirable Marriage by Meriel Brooke
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 275 KB
Overview: An Undesirable Marriage – A tale of love and war

Love, war, separation, betrayal. Sam Singleton searches for answers after fighting in the First World War. Can he find the solution after leaving his childhood sweetheart in England and finding a new life as a rubber planter in Malaya? Will his new love bring him happiness, or does the Second World War break his life apart again? If you would like an insight into life in the mid-20th Century society, you will find this wonderful story of relationships and loves that endure through the heartbreak of war and personal complications, then this one’s for you, and you will find it almost impossible to put down.
Genre: Fiction > Romance


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