Download An Invitation to Marriage by Tanya Wilde (.ePUB)

An Invitation to Marriage by Tanya Wilde (Middleton Series # 1)
Requirements: ePUB Reader 214 kb
Overview: An incurable romantic, Holly Middleton spent her entire youth daydreaming about love, princes, and pirates. She never doubted one day she would meet the man who would sweep her off her feet. And what better man to do the sweeping than a charming, irresistible duke?

But what is a woman to do when her dashing duke turns out to be not so dashing after all?

•Run away from her wedding, that’s what.
•Hope she doesn’t get caught.
•Certainly not by a handsome marquis.
•And if caught by a handsome marquis . . .
•Under no circumstance fall in love with him.
Genre: Romance


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