Download An Inconvenient Wife by Megan Chance (.MP3)

An Inconvenient Wife by Megan Chance Narrated by Caroline Hewitt
Requirements: .MP3 reader, 327.3 MB 12 hrs and 22 mins
Overview: An Inconvenient Wife is a rich blend of suspense, social history (America in the 1880s), and passion. Chance delivers a powerfully written pause resister about a woman’s struggle to escape the confines of her time, class, and gender.

Literary historical fiction is an extremely popular genre, as demonstrated by such best sellers as Matthew Pearl’s The Dante Club and Michael Faber’s The Crimson Petal and the White. Megan Chance is the author of Susannah Morrow, which captured the extraordinary drama of the Salem witch trials, as well as the historical romance novels A Season in Eden, The Gentleman Caller, The Way Home, and Fall from Grace.
Genre: Audiobooks > Fiction Historical Fiction


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