Download An Ancient Evil by Russell Cornhill (.ePUB)

An Ancient Evil by Russell Cornhill (The Year Reality Broke #1)
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 684 KB
Overview: The gods decide to create a new world. The God of Myth knows how reality should look, but the God of Everything has a plan of his own. Into each world a hero is born, developed, or generated. Each world gets its own hero destined to defeat the Evil that threatens mankind. Lukas gathers courageous warriors, each with an unknown past. Dane ends up with a dumb half-orc, an overly cheerful elf ranger and other companions that may have been better left on the posters where he found them. Evil attacks before expected, as evil often seems to do, and the heroes are battling just to survive. Meanwhile the shadows are watching everything. And everyone knows you can’t trust shadows.
Genre: Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy


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