Download An Adventure Brewing by JollyJupiter (.ePUB)

An Adventure Brewing by JollyJupiter (Beers and Beards Book 1)
Requirements: epub reader, 1.6 mb
Overview: Shopcraft, Brewing Skills, Charisma—It’ll take that and more to build the Tavern of his dreams.

Pete’s a simple man who enjoys a good drink amongst friends and crafting a tasty ale. Not too much to ask, right?

Now, he’s trapped in a fantasy world far from home, stuck underground and inside the body of a smelly dwarf with fantastic facial hair.

The worst part?

The swill that the dwarves are falling all over themselves to drink. It’s flat, it’s watery, and it has the alcohol content of a rancid coconut. Can Pete save the dwarves from their own sour fate, or will he be forever doomed to plink his pickaxe away in hopes that he hits the mother lode?

All he wants is to bring new and better beers to the world, but unfortunately altering dwarvish beer is frowned upon. So he has a lot to prove.
Genre: Sci-Fi/Fantasy


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