Download All Shades of a Marquess by Violet Hamers (.ePUB)

All Shades of a Marquess by Violet Hamers (Gentlemen of Sin Book 1)
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 710 kb
Overview: “I will keep your list. I will be the only man you allow close to you. Every one of your desires will be fulfilled by me.”

Lady Eloise has always felt left out. Oblivious as to the extent of her sister’s scandal, she can’t even defend herself against the lashing tongues that scorn her. And while she vyes for the attention of the worst rake in London, one thing ruins her plans: her sister is about to sacrifice herself to his lecherous father.

The rumors following the Marquess of Hanvey’s name merely scrape the surface of his depravity. And with mystery shrouding his past, all the Ton knows about him is that he is a dangerous rake who owns three gaming hells and the air of any room he enters.

Despite his aversion to high-born ladies, James will not be satiated until he fulfills Eloise’s List of Desires with her. Even if that means pretending to court her and help stop his father’s ridiculous marriage…
Genre: Fiction > Romance


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