Download All I Never Wanted by Katie Klein (.ePUB)

All I Never Wanted by Katie Klein
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 281 KB
Overview: What happens when a boy from a privileged, upper-middle-class family falls for a girl in a rehabilitation facility accused of murdering her best friend?

In a world of mansions, expensive prep schools, and elite colleges, where money means favors and the right price will buy a ticket into or out of just about any situation, Trent Moreau is living easy.

But when he and his brother, Crewe, ruin one of their father’s executive gatherings, his brother is sent to rehab, and Trent is forced to live on campus (and on a budget) for the foreseeable future.

Enter seventeen-year-old Summer Evans, resident psychopath at Crewe’s facility.

The previous year, Summer’s best friend was found dead in her backyard swimming pool. Summer, the only known witness and primary suspect, remembers nothing about what happened that night.

To the rest of the world, Summer is a ticking time bomb, but the more Trent gets to know her, and the more he learns about the events surrounding her friend’s mysterious death, the less sense it all makes.

What if Summer isn’t guilty at all?

What if she’s innocent, and he can prove it?

But someone out there doesn’t want Trent discovering the truth, and the more he investigates, the deeper he spirals into the egotism and entitlement edging his own privileged lifestyle.
Genre: Fiction > Romance


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