Download Alien Infection by Darrell Bain (.ePUB)

Alien Infection by Darrell Bain
Requirements: ePUB Reader, 215 KB
Overview: When a laboratory technician on the verge of retirement accidentally infects himself with blood from an emergency room patient, he intends to report it-until gun-toting government agents swarm the hospital and confiscate the sample. Afraid of being thrown into an isolation chamber, Michael goes home, but quickly falls violently ill. By the time he recovers and returns to work scary things are happening. Everyone who has come into contact with that patient is being systematically killed. On the run, he accidentally infects a woman living in the shadows of the underworld. She becomes ill as well, but survives. Then they begin feeling younger-and younger. Why would the government want to suppress something like this? After barely escaping federal gunmen, the two of them set out to discover what kind of infection they are harboring even though it might mean the end of their freedom.
Genre: Sci-Fi


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