Download Alien Firestorm by Anthony James (.ePUB)

Alien Firestorm by Anthony James (Fire and Rust #2)
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 334 KB
Overview: Humanity has made peace with the Fangrin aliens and now it turns out the dogs were never the real threat. The Raggers have come and they’re the dregs of the universe, as the Unity League is about to find out.

An unprovoked Ragger incendiary attack on the human city of Satra kills millions. Not everyone dies. Lieutenant Tanner Conway and a few of his squad survive the flames, as does Captain Jake Griffin, his spaceship Star Burner brought down by enemy fire.

The survivors want payback, but it’s hard to beat an alien attack fleet when you’re stuck in the middle of a burning city. The Ragger spaceships are still in orbit and threaten the rest of the planet with the same fate. Someone has to stop them.

The Star Burner has a massive nuke in its hold. Conway and Griffin think they can put the bomb to good use, but the spaceship won’t fly and the enemy have their own interest in the wreckage. A plan to bring the bomb to the aliens has unintended consequences and far-reaching effects.

The fight will take Conway and Griffin from the ruined city to a spaceship with capabilities beyond reckoning. They will face unimaginable horrors and a foe that has no regard for life.

Every contest has a prize and this one is no different. Victory against the Ragger fleet will save billions from death and set back the enemy’s ambitions in this part of the Unity League’s territory. It’s going to take skill, guts and a lot of dead aliens before it happens.
Genre: Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy | Science Fiction


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