Download Alex Harris Mystery series by Elaine Macko (.ePUB)

Alex Harris Mystery series by Elaine Macko (#4-6)
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Overview: From a very young age, Elaine Macko possessed an over-active imagination, finding intrigue and mayhem in everyday situations. While living abroad she decided to try her hand at writing a mystery and, after several months, completed a draft of her first book, ARMED, and moved on to three other books in the series. She grew up in Milford, Connecticut, and centered her books on the fictional town of Indian Cove, Connecticut, which for some reason looks a lot like Milford! She also includes a European connection in each book, bringing together her love of both places.
Genre: Mystery


4. Mahjonged (2011)
Inviting a group of women over for a night of Mahjong sounded like a good idea to new bride Alex Harris Van der Burg, but with a storm raging outside and a battle brewing between two of the players inside, things aren’t working out quite as planned. And then the lights go out, adding one more catastrophe to the evening. When a guest is discovered with Alex’s brand new cake knife, a wedding gift, stuck in her back, the party really starts to head downhill. With the roads closed and a bridge washed out, the Mahjong players are stuck in the “murder house” for the rest of the evening.

In the following days Alex is stumped to find a reason why a woman would be killed in her home, especially when only one person there had met her before, and that person happens to be the mother of Alex’s assistant, Millie Chapman. With her detective husband away on a weekend camping trip that turns longer than expected, the entire town is talking about the young bride whose husband took off. Alex tries to shut out the rumors while snooping and sleuthing, but when her nephew is involved in a hit and run, she wonders if the killer is after her, and maybe she should just forget the whole thing.

5. Smoked (2013)
When the vegan wife of a local butcher shows up dead, the police think the husband is the most likely suspect. But the dead woman’s daughter is certain her father did nothing wrong and hires Alex Harris to find the real killer. What Alex discovers is Maria Kravec had a nasty streak, using her blog to take revenge on her philandering husband. But the more Alex probes, a whole slew of suspects presents itself. From the woman’s business partner, to her husband’s current mistress, to her own daughter, Alex has her hands full keeping the list of people who could benefit from Maria’s death straight. And with her grandmother hanging out with a local rosary bead-making tattoo artist, her mother adopting a lively dog, and her nephew acquiring a pet rat, things couldn’t be more complicated.

6. Pickled (2014)
When Alex Harris and her grandmother Meme attend a pickleball supper hoping to sell some of their Calendar Boys calendars to their ideal demographic—women on hormone replacement therapy—they never thought the evening would turn deadly. But when local lecherous bully, Humphrey Bryson, ends up in the ladies room with one of his beloved dill pickles shoved down his throat, Alex springs into action to find the murderer. Despite the worst winter in Indian Cove history, Alex is determined to find the killer even with her growing health concerns and a less-than enthusiastic husband hindering her sleuthing efforts. Is one of Meme’s friends headed for the pokey, or did the wife do it? What Alex uncovers reaches much further than her peaceful little town and the pickleball group.

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Books 1-3 here: viewtopic.php?f=1294&t=823286&hilit=Elaine+Macko

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