Download Alex Cross Must Die by James Patterson (.MP3)

Alex Cross Must Die by James Patterson (Alex Cross #31) (Narrated by: Wayne Carr, Inger Tudor, Zeno Robinson, William Stephens, Peter Giles, Jim Meskimen, Kiff VandenHeuvel)
Requirements: .MP3 reader, 223mb | 64kbps
Overview: When an American Airlines plane explodes in the sky, detectives Alex Cross and John Sampson are first on the scene. They don’t hear the gunfire. At first.

The weapon that took down the plane is a remote-controlled Vietnam-War-era machine gun. The list of those who possess the training and expertise to operate the stolen .50-caliber weapon is short. And time runs even shorter.

But this isn’t the only case the pair must solve. They’re also tracking a serial killer who’s ambushing young men in what the media are calling the ‘Dead Hours’ murders.

With two killers and two different motives, Cross and Sampson are in a deadly race against time…
Genre: Audiobooks > Fiction > Mysteries & Thrillers


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