Download Alabama’s Tuesday Tryst by V. Kelly (.ePUB)

Alabama’s Tuesday Tryst by V. Kelly (Southern Kisses Book 2)
Requirements: epub, mobi, azw3 reader, 637 KB
Overview: Alabama
I was made for the spotlight. No one lights up center stage more than the famous Alabama “Bam” Roberts. I was my high school’s number one theater queen, and when I was granted a full-ride scholarship for Alabama University’s elite theater program, I thought I was set for life. That is… until Cal Richards stepped into my spotlight and stole away my audience. The theater stud was known for attracting attention both on and off stage, and he quickly turned into my biggest nemesis. I was ready to pull the curtain on him faster than an Alabama Sunset in the heat of summer, but when he was cast as my leading man in the upcoming school play, I was forced to play nice; even though everything about him made me go crazy, including that killer smile I can’t seem to shake from my head no matter how hard I try.
It’s not easy growing up in a family of high school dropouts. Not a single member of my family ever made it past their junior year of high school, that’s why I worked my butt off to score one of the two full-ride scholarships for Alabama University’s elite theater program. Theater was in my bones, and it would only be a matter of time before I got my “big” break and graced the big screen like all my idols. Everything was going as planned until the stuck-up diva, Bam Roberts, tried to take my spotlight. If you looked up “entitled” in the dictionary you’d see her pretty picture front and center. I didn’t think anything could be bigger than that darn ego of hers until I made her smile for the first time. Now scoring the lead in the school play isn’t my only mission in life, it’s knocking Bam Roberts off her pedestal and straight into my arms, making her my leading lady for good.
Genre: Romance


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