Download Adventures of Kid Combat srs by Christopher Helwink (.ePUB)+

The Adventures of Kid Combat series by Christopher Helwink (Books 1-3)
Requirements: ePUB/MOBI Reader, 3.3MB
Overview:The Adventures of Kid Combat book series follows the adventures of Kyle Christensen and his secret band of friends as they fight back against the evil Philip Arthur Jones and other enemies of their town.
Evil. Corruption. They are everywhere in Elmcrest. The once-quiet town finds itself consumed by greed, decadence, and a hunger for power. The adults follow the evil Phillip Arthur Jones blindly; and the children, left to find for themselves, struggle to maintain their own way of life. The children gain new hope when one of their own emerges to become their hero—Kid Combat.
The only thing in Jones’ way of total domination is Kid Combat and a small band of his friends.
Genre: Children | Fiction | Adventure


1. The Adventures of Kid Combat Volume One: A Secret Lost – When teenager Kyle Christensen moves to town, he joins a secret group of Defenders that encounter Artie Jones — a billionaire tech mogul that is obsessed with The Book of Darkness, a book that can grant him unlimited power . . .
Kid Combat has fun adventures, techy gismo stuff, and a high-stakes adventure that is great reading for the whole family!

2. The Adventures of Kid Combat Volume II: The Heist of Spring Road Toys – Kid Combat is back! Taking place directly after the events of Volume I, The Heist of Spring Road Toys continues the Kid Combat adventure. It has been a busy few weeks for Kid and his closest friends. As work completes on their secret base–The Playground–Kid Combat looks into the Spring Road Toys case and finds out he has a new enemy.
Alfred E. Scott is the curator of the Science Museum in Elmcrest. The well-mannered man has received high praise around Elmcrest for establishing his museum into one of the finest around. Not happy with his success and wanting more money, Scott makes a secret deal. He then threatens the businesses along Spring Road to sell their land to him.
When Kid Combat finds out his favorite toy store is in danger, he gathers the members of SOCKs to help. Things only get harder for Kid Combat when a mysterious boy in town–only known as the Boy in Blue–threatens to expose one of Kid Combat’s greatest secrets.

3. The Adventures of Kid Combat Volume Three: Jones Strikes Back – Kid Combat is back for its third exciting volume!
Jones returns to Elmcrest – more determined than ever to find out who Kid Combat is. After throwing himself a lavish parade down Main Street, Jones starts plotting with a certain rouge boy to bring down Kid Combat and his friends.

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