Download Adept Series by Katherine Kurtz, Deborah Turner Harris (.ePUB)

Adept Series by Katherine Kurtz, Deborah Turner Harris (Books #4-5)
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Overview: Katherine Kurtz is American fantasy novel writer. She is most known for her Deryni series. She currently lives in Virginia. Deborah Turner Harris is an American fantasy author, best known for her collaborations with Katherine Kurtz. She lives in Scotland and is married to Scottish author Robert J. Harris.
Genre: Fantasy


Dagger Magic: Adept Series #4 Peregrine Lovat interrupts his honeymoon to join Sir Adam Sinclair and Detective Chief Inspector Noel McLeod as they search for the ancient, evil Dagger Cult in an attempt to save the world from a new Nazi menace. The pace never slackens as seemingly disparate threads are woven together in this page-turning adventure.

Death of an Adept: Adept Series #5 Pouring old wine into new bottles once again, Kurtz and Harris serve up another vintage dark fantasy in this fifth adventure about reincarnated Adept Adam Sinclair and his efforts to contain ancient occult forces simmering beneath the civilized veneer of contemporary Scotland. Sworn to uphold "a code of spiritual morality which is, itself, a reflection of the Divine Will," Sinclair, Peregrine Lovat and other mystically endowed members of the Hunting Lodge square off against black Adept Francis Raeburn, still licking his wounds after his defeat in Dagger Magic

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