Download Accounting Analysis by Dan Brittner (.ePUB)

Accounting Analysis : Using accounting information inside industrial sector to preserve internal control (Accounting & Auditing) by Dan Brittner
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 245 KB
Overview: Currently, cost accounting is referred to as a management tool to support the making of decisions. This type of accounting provides one series of different methods of costing and objectives to be achieved according to the economic sector and the information needs that are intended to see met. The present work deals with a scientific study that is based on recognizing that Analytical Accounting is an important support for information for adequate and efficient Internal Control and should be the object of high attention and analysis by the Audit. The study carried out aimed at Analytical Accounting, Internal Control and its relationship with the Audit, as a contribution to the formation of a credible and sustained opinion on the influence that the information provided by Analytical Accounting and the control that it can assume. This gives the managed. In the study, we empirical follow the methodology of approach to study the case of Yin (1994) and got the idea general of what the accounting of costs is fundamental to the process of making the decision.
Genre: Non-Fiction > General


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