Download Above the Battleground by Stephanie Panayi (.ePUB)

Above the Battleground: The Courageous Path to Emotional Autonomy and Inner Peace by Stephanie Panayi
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 1.0 MB
Overview: “I wish I hadn’t got so upset!”. These words are familiar to all of us. Why do we go on automatic pilot when we feel rejected or unfairly treated, retaliating with an outburst that we later regret? And why are there curious similarities in the course of our relationships with friends, partners, and jobs?

“Above the Battleground” explores the origins of our most intense emotional needs and how they send us into self-defeating battles to have them met. Using psychological theory, principles from “A Course in Miracles”, and examples from the author’s clinical experience, “Above the Battleground” provides a unique take on the origins of our deepest insecurities along with a way to rise above them to achieve a sense of security, happiness and peace.
Genre: Non-Fiction > Faith, Beliefs & Philosophy


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