Download A Villainous Tale by Carmen Erickson (.ePUB)

A Villainous Tale by Carmen Erickson (Fairy Taled #3)
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 611 KB
Overview: An ominous deal. Three villains in need of redemption. His freedom is in their hands.

Rumpelstiltskin knows there’s no rest for the weary. Navigating an unfair justice system has taken its toll, especially when his plea deal has more landmines than a battlefield. One wrong move and he’ll be left to rot in chains.

According to his lawyer—the god of the underworld—his only shot at freedom hinges on rehabilitating three villains. Rump must tread lightly. There’s often a kinship among the misunderstood, but a legendary pirate, a witch with PTSD, and a headless horseman pretender are not the kind of people to lay odds on.

Rump understands more than anyone that change is hard, but his fate now depends on the choices of others. If any of the villains revert to their wicked ways, Rump could be locked in a dungeon forever.
Genre: Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy Historical


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