Download A Typical Family Series by Liz Davies (.ePUB)

A Typical Family Series by Liz Davies (1, 3)
Requirements: epub reader, 639 kb
Overview: Liz Davies writes feel-good, light-hearted stories with a hefty dose of romance, a smattering of humour, and a great deal of love.
Genre: Romance


1. A Typical Family Christmas – For once, Kate Peters would like a happy, family Christmas; the kind of Christmas seen on the TV. She wants harmony and happiness, smiling, glowing faces, tables groaning with food, carol singing around the tree. She wants love, kindness, and goodwill to all men, especially in her own house.
What she doesn’t want is drama. Absolutely no drama, whatsoever.
But what she gets is three stroppy children, two equally stroppy grandmothers, a husband who can’t manage to change a lightbulb, and Pepe the poodle. It’s no wonder she feels unappreciated, overworked, and ignored.
At the end f her tinsel-coated tether, and with the only Christmas spirit being in the form of a bottle of raspberry gin, Kate decides to leave them to it and see how they manage without her. A quiet little hotel somewhere near the sea, where she can pretend Christmas doesn’t exist, is just the thing she needs. Isn’t it?

3. A Typical Family Wedding – Have you got your invitation to the wedding of the year?
At 72, Beverley isn’t interested in romance. The only man in her life is her surrogate son, Ron – but he’s about to get married and she fears she will be lonely when he moves out.
Recently widowed Andrew isn’t interested in romance, either. He is still mourning the death of his wife, and the only woman in his life is his daughter, Judith – it’s just a pity he doesn’t see much of her.
When a dog walk in the park throws Beverley and Andrew together, it results in an unlikely and sparky friendship that fulfils a need in both of them.
But their friendship is put to the test when Beverley learns that her arch-enemy has not only bought a new hat for Ron’s upcoming wedding, but she is also bringing a plus-one with her.
Determined not to be outdone, Beverley discovers that buying a new hat is easy. Persuading Andrew to be her own loved-up plus-one, isn’t!
With the mothers of the happy couple squabbling over the wedding plans, Ron and his bride threatening to run away to Gretna Green, Judith taking exception to Beverley, and Beverley beginning to fall in love with Andrew, what should be the happiest of occasions is swiftly becoming incredibly stressful.
Everyone loves a wedding… don’t they??

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