Download A Saucerful of Death by Loretta & Sarah Johns (.ePUB)

A Saucerful of Death by Loretta & Sarah Johns (Starlight Cozy Mystery #1)
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 794 KB
Overview: Darren Nelson stars as a United States Space Explorer who finds himself entangled in more than just intergalactic intrigue when he falls for an interstellar beauty. Not only does he have to divert attention from a lovely alien, who hitched a ride on his return capsule, but when a fellow astronaut he clashed with is found dead, he must find a way to clear his own name. He must constantly discourage his best friend and mission team member, Stephen, from aiding and abetting the lovely alien that has began to fall for Darren. Jeannie is determined to save him herself and thanks to retro TV, she is sure she knows just how to go about it.
Genre: Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy


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