Download A Russian Bear series by C.B. Conwy (.ePUB)(.PDF)

A Russian Bear series by C.B. Conwy (Books 1.5 ~ 4.7)
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Overview: Doing relatively sane and responsible things during the day, I’m always looking forward to coming home to see what my characters have been up to. It’s only very rarely what I want them to do, but there you go. I have no problems whatsoever reading both Flaubert and smut (although not at the same time), and the only thing I like more than chocolate is a good comfort read.
Genre: Fiction | Erotic MM


Malaria, Cholera and Bubonic Plague (Russian Bear #1.5)
"Well, here’s a chance to meet our very own Mischa again in a cautionary tale about the effects of too much alcohol. And singing. And something about mean boyfriends, too."

How to Domesticate a Russian Bear: A Russian Bear III (Russian Bear #3)
So, all Mischa really wanted was sex. Hot, kinky sex, and preferably lots of it. But then he got a sub, and then the sub turned into a fiancé, and now apparently Mischa is supposed to settle down and be all domesticated. However, Mischa does not do tame.
Well, at least he didn’t use to. Now he’s beginning to think that yes, he does indeed do tame. Unfortunately, his sub doesn’t seem to get that.
Tom knew that Mischa was a handful. Hell, that’s basically what made Tom fall head over heels for him. But figuring out how to handle his postgraduate studies combined with a long-distance relationship is driving him nuts. And not in the great, Mischa-is-torturing-me-with-kinky-sex-toys way (even though that happens, too. A lot). More like in the this-is-killing-me-slowly-and-I-don’t-know-what-to-do-about-it way. Unfortunately, Mischa finds out and puts his foot down, and then suddenly Tom has some very hard choices to make.
Then there’s Mischa’s busybody bridezilla friend, karate practice with people who actually hit back, and the arrival of the inlaws. That’s when Tom realizes that domesticating a Russian bear may take more work than even he realized.

Who You Are (Russian Bear, #3.3)
First times. Defining moments. The situations where our lives are suddenly turned upside down. Writing Of Russian Myth and Lore, I started thinking about first times. Specifically, one of my all time favorite characters’ first time.

Of Russian Myth and Lore (Russian Bear #3.5)
Family. In Mischa’s opinion, you can’t live with them. Period. That’s why he’s so reluctant to let Tom meet them, but Mischa’s family decides that they’d like to meet Tom. And an order is an order.
This is a once in a lifetime chance for Tom to see a Russian bear in its natural environment. Mischa’s family seems friendly enough, at least until Mischa’s uncle sends Tom out into the woods by himself. In the middle of the night. However, there’s more to Mischa’s Russian background than Tom knew. In the quiet summer night, Tom learns a thing or two about Russian myth and lore – and about family.

Saturday Night, Live (Alphabet Soup 0) ((Russian Bear, #4.3)
This is a little something extra featuring Jeff from Alphabet Soup.

His Something (Russian Bear #4.5)
Ben is Toby’s bartender, and he’s driving Toby crazy. Not just because Ben gets himself hurt all the time, but because he’s there. And Toby can’t keep himself from having scenes with him, and he can’t keep himself from holding the boy afterwards, either, and thinking about how nice it feels. Even though Ben’s his employee and they shouldn’t be doing this in the first place. His Something is a quick look at the event which might change Toby’s mind when it comes to Ben – whether Toby wants to admit it or not.

New Year’s Resolution (Russian Bear, #4.7)
Here’s a little look into Toby’s life and his New Year; yet another defining moment in Toby’s life. Toby wakes up after yet another day spent doing what he does best: Losing himself – in kink, booze, and running his club. This time, though, he might be losing more than just himself.

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Book #2 Russian Bear is also Book #1 of Alphabet Soup: viewtopic.php?p=4634823#4634823
Book #3 Russian Bear is also Book #1.5 of Alphabet Soup: viewtopic.php?p=4634823#4634823

Book #4: viewtopic.php?p=3004596#3004596

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