Download A Question of Sincerity by Sabrina Blaum (.ePUB)

A Question of Sincerity by Sabrina Blaum
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 776 KB
Overview: Honesty is a way of life for Claudia Khoury. So when it turns out that her fun-rebound is married to her new boss, she is at a loss as to how to deal with this unexpected curveball.

Elizabeth Lancaster’s life flows along placidly—if someone were to ask her where she sees herself in ten years, she would give an exact and detailed answer, at least until her new employee derails her certain future.

Claudia’s revelations rip through Elizabeth’s life like a destructive whirlwind, tearing apart old bonds and creating new ones.

After a collision that leaves them with more questions than answers, the two women find themselves on an unexpected journey. In the end, they must decide how to move forward and what role to allow the other to play in their lives.
Genre: Fiction > Romance FF


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