Download A MILF Meets Her Match Series by Morgan Troy (.ePUB)

A MILF Meets Her Match Series (#1-6) by Morgan Troy
Requirements: .ePUB Reader | 1.6 MB
Overview: The sexual chemistry that exists between virile young men and experienced older women is EXPLOSIVE. And no one understands that better than Morgan Troy.
Morgan writes some of the hottest, funniest, and most thrilling erotic fiction about the powerful dynamic that exists between lusty mature women and naive young men. Young men who require the tender guidance of a skilled, experienced, and assertive older woman. Transforming them into studs capable of sending any woman, no matter her age, to the heights of physical ecstasy.
Genre: Fiction > Erotic

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A MILF Meets Her Match: Book One
This is the first book in the “A MILF Meets Her Match” series, written with Morgan Troy’s signature wit, elegance, and sensual eroticism.
Lena Johansen is a tall, blonde, voluptuous maneater at the peak of her sexual powers. In her 42 years she’s never let a man get the better of her. As she and four sexy friends head to the beach for a girls-gone-wild weekend, she has only one goal in mind—find a hot young stud and break him to her will.
And repeat the process. As often as necessary, until she’s exhausted and satisfied.
Lena is at the beach plotting her seduction strategy when the health app on her watch pings her with an annoying reminder—she’s ovulating. Not that she’s about to let this very minor inconvenience spoil her sexy fun.
When a hot young stud strides across the sand and sits down a few yards away, Lena eyes him with delight. Yes, he would make an excellent first conquest. And as she stares him down from behind her mirrored sunglasses, she thinks he might even be fascinating enough to hold her interest for the whole weekend.
But she’s frustrated when he proves indifferent to Lena’s beauty, confidence, and intoxicating sex appeal. She’s irritated—and intrigued—by this gorgeous young man who pointedly ignores her.
She may be intrigued—but only up to a point. Because Lena is a MILF, not some desperate woman who throws herself at a man. She leaves the arrogant young man and walks down the beach, hunting for young men who properly appreciate a hot, sexy older woman in a bikini.
What Lena doesn’t know is that her mystery man took very careful notice of her overwhelming beauty. And that as she saunters along the shoreline, he’s in hot pursuit, intent on a seduction of his own.
One that will rock Lena to her core, and demonstrate that a young, confident stud can be more than a match for a sexy, experienced MILF.

A MILF Meets Her Match: Book Two
The second book of the “A MILF Meets Her Match” series, written with Morgan Troy’s signature wit, elegance, and sensual eroticism.
Lena Johansen is a woman used to dominating men with her sexual charisma. She’s used to breaking them to her will. Turning strong, confident men into her playthings.
She never expected that those roles could be reversed.
While at the beach with her four sexy friends, Lena took a fancy to a breathtaking young stud. Who pointedly ignored her. Infuriated, Lena stalked off, angry at his arrogance and hungry to take down a more appreciative victim.
What Lena didn’t know was that her silent stud did notice her. Noticed her, and felt compelled to take immediate, intimate action.
As she stormed off down the beach the young man patiently stalked her. Stopped her. Seduced her. Steered her back to his house.
And then, using only his strong hands, nimble fingers, and soft voice, this confident young stud caressed and fondled Lena through the most intense sexual experience of her life.
And then he left.
Leaving Lena gasping and grasping at straws. Who was this magical young man? How had he taking control of her so easily? And how could she come to terms with the emotions he’d stirred within her, emotions Lena didn’t know she possessed?
Now, a few hours later, she plots her revenge. Because Lena Johansen is a gorgeous, confident, experienced woman. A maneater. And no man, not even one who brought her such incandescent pleasure, is going to get the best of her.

A MILF Meets Her Match: Book Three
What was supposed to be a Girls Gone Wild weekend for Lena Johansen has instead turned into a battle of wills. A sexy struggle between a gorgeous, confident MILF and a handsome, arrogant young man. When Lena first spotted Chris at the beach she was frustrated by his pointed lack of interest. Only to discover that his interest in her was all-consuming, leading to a surprise seduction and a soapy shower encounter that left Lena weak in the knees—and desperate for payback.
A wild night at a beach bar provided the opportunity for a quick revenge. Lena skillfully pounced upon her prey in his fleeting moment of weakness, spiriting him away from a woman half Lena’s age. And in a darkened, distant dining room far from the pulsating crowd, Lena demonstrated to her adversary how a mature, experienced woman can overwhelm the most virile, confident stud.
Now Lena waits in her hotel room, trying to sleep, waiting for round three. Waiting for Chris to use the room key he skillfully purloined from her purse. Waiting for this beautiful young man to join Lena in her bed so they can finally become lovers in the pure, proper sense.
And as Lena waits, flitting in and out of sleep, she also tries to come to terms with the feelings she has for this mysterious young man. Intense, unbidden emotions unlike any she’s felt before. Feelings for a man fifteen years her junior. Breathtakingly handsome. Supremely self-confident. Diabolically skilled at pleasuring women.
Lena lies in bed. And waits. And dreams. About the sexy and potent young stud stealthily making his way to her room. To exact HIS tender, thrilling revenge.

A MILF Meets Her Match: Book Four
This fourth book of the sizzling “MILF Meets Her Match” series, written with Morgan Troy’s signature wit, elegance, and sensual eroticism.
Lena Johansen finds herself blissfully entangled in an escalating game of sexual cat-and-mouse. With a gorgeous, potent young stud who is stirring emotions unlike any this predatory MILF has experienced in her life.
Not even 24 hours since they first crossed paths during a weekend beach trip, Lena and Chris have taken turns tormenting each other. He effortlessly seduced her and fondled her into breathless rapture while they shared a shower stall. She retaliated by stealing him away from a pretty young thing and demonstrating what an experienced, enthusiastic mature woman is capable of. And in the dead of night, Chris responded by stealing into her hotel room and giving Lena more pleasure than she could bear—all while denying her the full measure of his body.
Now, the morning after, the ball is in Lena’s court. How can she level the playing field, how can she get even against this magnificent and maddening young man? And how is she to deal with the burgeoning love she feels for him, a love she’s never experienced before, a love mated to an overwhelming lust and desire?
With her sexy mature friends paired off with their own young lovers, Lena learns that Chris is alone at his beach house, napping after their exhausting late-night encounter. She steals away to ambush him, to put him back in his place, to show him that this mature maneater doesn’t take a back seat to anyone.
Not even the man of her dreams.

A MILF Meets Her Match: Book Five
Lena Johansen has spent her MILFs Gone Wild beach getaway engaged in an erotic test of wills with Chris, a gorgeous and charismatic young stud. The advantage in their ongoing battle of sexual one-upmanship has lurched back and forth, with Chris seizing the initiative with a soapy massage in an outdoor shower stall, and Lena quickly responding with a toe-curling surprise that left him gasping for breath.
The strong-willed adversaries took turns waking the other from a deep sleep, pleasuring their new lovers in diabolical ways designed to break their will to resist. In this duel between two sexy, sexual titans, no quarter was asked. And no quarter was given.
But up till now Lena and Chris have resisted the commencement of unrestricted warfare—they haven’t engaged in the full consummation of this torrid, torturous affair. They’ve inflicted indescribable ecstasy on each other, but neither has yet been willing to push the button and unleash the ultimate weapon.
And now, barely 36 hours since they first met. Lena and Chris gird themselves for what promises to be a colossal encounter, one that may forever change the course of their lives.
A date.
As Lena prepares for a thrilling, terrifying evening out with Chris, she finds herself struggling to come to grips with the overwhelming emotions she feels for this imposing, intoxicating young man. She’s afraid of what she might do—and say—when they inevitably go to bed together for the first time.
Most of all, Lena doesn’t know how to tell this virile, potent young stud that she’s ovulating—and that she silently, secretly hopes that their first time making love leads to something magical that truly transforms both their lives, forever.

A MILF Meets Her Match: Book Six
This is the sixth (and final!) book in the “A MILF Meets Her Match” series, written with Morgan Troy’s signature wit, elegance, and sensual eroticism. There will be a complete volume of all six books coming soon, including a closing epilogue!
Having finally consummated their fiery, frenzied relationship, MILF maneater Lena and cocksure stud Chris navigate the fraught battlefield of their first date. As they sit down to dinner, Lena struggles to come to terms with the soaring, terrifying love she feels for this gorgeous young man.
And with the fact that their powerful, intoxicating coupling may have led to Lena and Chris conceiving a child together.
The evenly matched adversaries open themselves to each other, discussing their past, prodigious sexual exploits and what the future could hold for them as a couple. Is it possible for a woman with Lena’s insatiable appetites and a man with Chris’s diabolical skills at seduction to abandon their lust for fresh conquests and commit to a lifetime together?
And is it possible for a relationship built on dominance, retaliation, and sexual gamesmanship to settle into something approximating True Love? Lena must sort through her roiling emotions to determine if she’s being played, or if she should ruthlessly assert her independence once and for all. Or, for the first time in her life, she should allow herself to be truly vulnerable and give everything—her heart, mind, and body—to the handsome, hypnotic, and potent young man she loves.

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