Download A Lustful Desire by Sandra Perry (.MOBI)

A Lustful Desire by Sandra Perry (Stepbrother Second Chance #2)
Requirements: MOBI Reader, 315.9 KB
Overview: Serena felt like she was right. Things with Richard weren’tgoing well, and when she woke up the next day alone in his bed, she felt a feeling of worry course over her. Had she been wrong? Had her feelings corrupted her to do such a thing? After many texts and calls, Serena was about to give up, when she saw that he was with another woman. Serena was furious, but she was more hurt than anything at her actions.

Richard was suffering his own problems as well. He felt something different than ever before, and the fact that he felt this with his own stepsister made him scared. However, he wanted to get to know her, and he wanted to express his feelings. Will the two of them be able to get over this hurdle? Or will they be stuck at square one and unable to move forward because of their mistakes?
Genre: Erotic Romance


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