Download A Heart for a Scoundral by Deiri Di (.ePUB)

A Heart for a Scoundral by Deiri Di (Alien Love Encounters)
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 2.1 mb
Overview: The letter read: Please accept this scoundral as your roommate.

Along with the misspelling, it was filled with glitter.

I’ve inherited a house I can’t afford to keep.

The property taxes alone are more than my yearly income was… if my job hadn’t just quiet fired me that is. Luckily there is an eight foot tall oddly dressed hunk adorning my front doorstep, bearing an unlimited expense account, ready to become my roommate, and he comes bearing a letter of introduction.

A glittery letter of introduction.

The only other problem is he is an alien.

Who is here to set up a dating agency.

And the only Valentine he wants… is me.


I am a cunning linguist.

It’s why I got the mission to come to the planet my Empire has newly acquired and set up a dating agency. I, like many others, have tried and failed to find a mate who can awaken my osae and we’ve recently found out that hoomons are compatible.

I get to this planet to begin my work and what do you know, I’ve found her right off the bat.

Now all I have to do is convince her that I am the right mate for her.

Lucky for me, her species has a holiday that is all about that.
Genre: Fiction > Romance


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