Download A Game of Deception by Loreth Anne White (.ePUB)+

A Game of Deception (Love in 60 Seconds #5) by Loreth Anne White (2009 version titled Her 24-Hour Protector)
Requirements: .ePUB, .MOBI/.AZW reader, 1.2MB | 2018 Reissue
Overview: A wealthy casino heiress and an FBI agent on a mission find themselves fighting danger—and a powerful mutual passion!

FBI special agent Lex Duncan has taken a post in Las Vegas to search for the missing pieces of his past in a city that has no memory. But when the cool agent’s current investigation intersects with a high-profile Sin City murder, Lex runs into a completely different kind of trouble in the form of hot, young casino heiress Jenna Jayne Rothchild…and the sins of the past suddenly slam right into the present. And Lex—who was seeking to take the Rothchild family down—suddenly becomes the one man who can rescue the sexy young heiress…in more ways than one.

Jenna is a party girl in a city that knows no limit on glitz or fun, and she’s everything Lex avoids in a woman. The homicide victim, however, was her sister, and the mysterious diamond stolen from her sister’s body belongs to her father. And it’s now in the FBI’s custody.

Jenna is determined to get what she wants from the sexy special agent. But gleaning classified information about her sister’s case requires finesse. Her seduction strategy backfires when Lex cons her into revealing family secrets…and into falling for him. As the Vegas heat gives way to searing passion, will their tryst become a high-risk affair—or are they betting on forever?
Genre: Fiction > Romance


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