Download A Flash of Blue Sky by Alon Preiss (.MOBI)

A Flash of Blue Sky by Alon Preiss
Requirements: MOBI Reader, 825 KB
Overview: Fiction. In his debut novel, Alon Preiss tells a truly global tale: a gun- toting Moscow starlet, on the run from the mob, in a Russia struggling to rise from the embers of Communism. A beautiful young divorcee, lost on the West Coast, seeking a soul-mate without an overabundance of optimism. A prince, overthrown in a bloody revolution, wanders the world looking for the woman who once saved him. An attorney in New York, choosing between the two women who love him, and between failure and corruption. A Cambodian warlord, plotting a return to power from his jungle hideout … Welcome to the 1980s, and a turbulent world eating itself alive.
Genre: General Fiction, Classics


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