Download A Druid Stone by Kim Allred (.ePUB)

A Druid Stone by Kim Allred (Mórdha Stone Chronicles #5)
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 584 kB
Overview: AJ Moore finds herself back in France, stuck in the middle of a war between France and England, her worst enemy lying injured at her feet, and her husband, the love of her life, Captain Finn Murphy, left behind – two hundred years in the future.

This wasn’t the plan. But now that she was here, she would complete the mission. Find Maire Murphy and find out what trouble she’s gotten them all into.

Finn Murphy had watched in silence as his new bride was taken to the past by a man with no scruples. There was no question he’d follow. But how does one find someone in a time when communiques took weeks. Their only link—his sister Maire.

She was the reason they considered returning to the past in the first place. The question was, could he find AJ and get them home?
Genre: Fiction > Romance Fantasy


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