Download A Dream of Stars and Darkness by Madeleine Eliot (.ePUB)

A Dream of Stars and Darkness by Madeleine Eliot (Queen of All Fae Book 1)
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 592 KB
Overview: The dream was always the same.

One by one, the stars wink out and darkness fills the sky.

Ember has had the dream for as long as she can remember, but in her line of work, it’s no wonder that nightmares plague her. Caught between court intrigue and a resistance movement, Ember plans her revenge as a spy while secretly navigating what remains of the noble Seelie court.

When the terrifying Unseelie Prince comes looking for a bride, Ember’s plans take shape in the most dangerous way. Now forced to play the part of a willing bride in front of an enemy court, Ember discovers that her deal with the Prince may be more than she bargained for
Genre: Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy


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