Download A Dish of Stones by Valentina Hepburn (.ePUB)

A Dish of Stones by Valentina Hepburn
Requirements: ePUB Reader, 295 KB
Overview: It’s 1975, the middle of a fabulous, wild decade when rebellious teenagers dance to the parent-defying music of Glam-Rock. Kate McGuire longs to be like other 16-year-old girls but she has something else on her mind, like the whereabouts of her missing father, Joe. The parental role has fallen on Kate’s shoulders, but her sister has her own unique way of surviving the fall-out of Joe’s disappearance. Wayward and independent, fifteen-year-old Emma sacrifices her innocence to find the intimacy and lifestyle she craves resulting in a chain of events even the engaging and resolute Kate finds almost impossible to solve.
Genre: Young Adult


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