Download A Death Overseas by Caroline Dunford (.ePUB)

A Death Overseas by Caroline Dunford (Euphemia Martins #10)
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 654 KB
Overview: When Euphemia Martins accepts an invitation to the Exposition Universelle in Ghent, Belgium, she imagines she will enjoy a few days basking in the latest developments the worlds of science and art have to offer. However – this being Euphemia – things don’t quite go as planned…
As her employer, Richenda Muller, is suffering the effects of her first pregnancy, Euphemia must travel with a chaperone – the redoubtable Mrs Brown – and Richenda’s brother Bertram. But Mrs Brown has her own plans for attending the Expo – and she’s not the only one.
With dastardly deeds done in the name of science, and Bertram and Richenda’s nefarious brother Richard in the mix, the trip proves far from dull! Euphemia, Bertram, and Bertram’s valet Rory must soon deal with not one but two deaths – and a series of clues which lead to Euphemia herself.
Genre: Fiction > Mystery/Thriller


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