Download A Date With Angel by J. Judkins (.ePUB)

A Date With Angel: And Other Things That Weren’t Supposed To Happen by J. Judkins (Kim and Angel #1)
Requirements: .ePUB Reader, 414kb
Overview: Kim could tell at a glance Angel wasn’t the average attractive yet poorly disguised extraterrestrial scout sent to assess Earth’s defenses before the inevitable alien invasion. Angel’s memory loss cover story? Lame. Robbing a passing ruffian of his shirt to cover her naked body? NOT a good way to avoid attracting attention! As a science fiction geek, Kim felt herself uniquely qualified to watch Angel and thwart her dark mission…once the alien got around to it. But Angel had her own questions. She couldn’t help but wonder, why would Kim invite a stranger home? Surely, it could only be for romance! Kim didn’t dare correct her, not without giving herself away, and so both found themselves in an escalating romantic relationship neither actually wanted.
Is it possible lies and deception could lead to true love? Could projected feelings designed to fool the other become genuine?
Genre: Science Fiction > Fantasy | Romance | FF Lesbian


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