Download 8 Novels by Kathryn Le Veque (.ePUB)

8 Novels by Kathryn Le Veque
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Overview: KATHRYN LE VEQUE is a USA TODAY Bestselling author, an Amazon All-Star author, and a #1 bestselling, award-winning, multi-published author in Medieval Historical Romance and Historical Fiction. She has been featured in the NEW YORK TIMES and on USA TODAY’s HEA blog. In March 2015, Kathryn was the featured cover story for the March issue of InD’Tale Magazine, the premier Indie author magazine. She is also quintuple nominee (a record!) for the prestigious RONE awards for 2016. Kathryn’s Medieval Romance novels have been called ‘detailed’, ‘highly romantic’, and ‘character-rich’. She crafts great adventures of love, battles, passion, and romance in the High Middle Ages. More than that, she writes for both women AND men – an unusual crossover for a romance author – and Kathryn has many male readers who enjoy her stories because of the male perspective, the action, and the adventure.
Genre: Romance | Historical | Fantasy


Lord of Light (v5.0)
1192 A.D. – Sir Roane Garr is a member of St. John the Baptist Hospitaller sect and while visiting the supposed Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem, he is hit by a freak bolt of lightning and suddenly finds himself with miraculous healing powers. The Hospitallers believe he is a heretic and must be destroyed, so he flees back to England and into seclusion as a bounty is put on his head. Enter Lady Alisanne de Soulant, a young lady who is losing her sight to a disease of the eyes. Forced by bounty hunters hired by the Hospitallers to lure Roane out of hiding, she finds herself torn between saving Roane’s life and the life of her father, whom the bounty hunters hold hostage in order to insure her cooperation. After she helps the bounty hunters capture Roane, she helps him escape, only to find herself captured and punished by the bountymen. Those who seek to collect a price on Roane’s head realize he is in love with the woman they used as bait and they use her again to lure him back out of hiding. Roane is given the choice between saving Alisanne or her father, knowing whoever he does not rescue first will surely die at the hands of the evil bounty hunters. Clearly Roane’s heart is with Alisanne, but he fears she will resent him for leaving her elderly father at the mercy of the bountymen. Of course, he’s being sought by the bountymen too and must evade capture even as he attempts to rescue the other two. Only Roane’s cunning and intelligence can save all three of them, but in a nasty twist of fate, he ends up the bountymen’s quarry. When Alisanne and her father attempt to save him, Alisanne’s father is captured as well. Hope seems lost. With both of the men she loves captured, now it is up to Alisanne with her failing sight to save them both from the executioner’s sword. Can she find the help she needs, and the courage deep within her, before it’s too late?

Tender is the Knight
1228 A.D. After a vicious battle with old adversaries that sees his father killed, Sir Dennis d’Vant finds himself the head of the House of d’Vant. A house descended from the kings of Cornwall, they are a proud but warring people. Their most hated enemy is their neighbor to the north, the rich and cunning Earl of Cornwall. Dennis, however, is not like his forefathers; a giant of a man and a skilled warrior, he is also quiet and gentle. He does not possess the same fiery instincts of his family and for that, he is often looked upon as weak. But Dennis is anything but weak; he is brilliant and introspective. He knows what it takes to achieve real peace. When his father is killed, he sends an offer of marriage to the Cornwall to cement a peaceful alliance between the two warring neighbors. Dennis is trustworthy; the earl is not. Little does Dennis realize that his offer to marry a woman of the earl’s choosing will change his life more drastically than he could ever imagine, and put the House of d’Vant in danger of being wiped from the face of the earth. The Lady Ryan de Bretagne is the daughter of the earl’s captain. Having no daughters himself, the earl chooses Ryan to marry into the hated House of d’Vant. Ryan is a feisty, head-strong woman and wants no part of the marriage, but is forced to wed the giant knight with the mysterious gray eyes. When he takes her back to St. Austell Castle, she is introduced to a shocking new world of women who dress and fight as knights, of filthy keeps and filthy men, and of a people who want to hate her simply because she is related to the Earl of Cornwall. As Ryan struggles to become acclimated to her strange and frightening new world, the Earl of Cornwall works in secret to destroy the treaty he has agreed to fulfill, thereby eliminating the House of d’Vant once and for all so he can confiscate their lands. At the heart of all of the earl’s animosity is a terrible secret that binds Cornwall to the House of d’Vant, something so awful that it cannot be spoken of. But those who know the secret know how very shameful it is to both sides. Join Dennis and Ryan as they face one crisis after another, from pirates that lay siege to St. Austell Castle, of dark family secrets, and to wars in Wales when Dennis is forced to fight for the king in order to save his beloved castle. But no obstacles are too much for Dennis and Ryan to overcome because beneath the hatred and deceit, murder and lies, a love stronger than life itself binds them together even as their two worlds try to tear them apart.

The Gorgon (v5.0)
Year of our Lord 1235 A.D., Dorset, England An epic Medieval romance written in the same old-world vein as’Ivanhoe’, this is a tremendously powerful story of Sir Bose de Moray and the Lady Summer du Bonne. Bose was the Captain of the Guard for King Henry III until Bose’s wife’s untimely death in childbirth. Blaming himself and wanting to be free of the memories, he resigns his post and joins the tournament circuit to compete for money and fame. But dark rumors follow Bose; his mother-in-law is a vicious woman who blames Bose for her daughter’s death. She starts nasty rumors that Bose murdered his wife, and everyone on the tournament circuit is fearful of this dark, frightening knight. Enter the Lady Summer du Bonne. A beautiful woman with a stammering problem, she has been kept hidden away from the world by her embarrassed father and protective brothers. Summer meets Bose at a tournament hosted by her brothers and for Bose, and it is love at first sight. But the terrible rumors plague his attempts to get to know the lady, who is attracted to him as well. Summer’s drunken father eventually pledges his daughter to Bose. However, Bose’s mother-in-law interferes and Summer’s father decides to pledge Summer to an unscrupulous knight who has shown interest in her, and who would like nothing better than to see de Moray come to ruin. With so many forces working against them, Bose and Summer elope but they are captured and Bose is brought up on charges of thievery. A massive trial ensues and with a death sentence hanging over his head, only a miracle can save Bose and restore his honor.

The Warrior Poet Related: St John, De Gare (v5.0)
1266 A.D. A family feud has existed between the House of de Gare and the House of St. John for over seventy years. The feud has seen Eden Castle, home to the St. John’s, grow stronger while Castle Winding Cross, lair of the de Gare clan, suffers. Furthermore, the House of St. John has bred the most fearsome warrior in the north of England, a powerful knight known throughout the land as the Demon of Eden. Christian St. John is the culmination of decades of fine breeding and training, a master of the knighthood. When Christian launches what he hopes will be the final attack against Winding Cross to end the long-running feud once and for all, the de Gares are cunning enough to avoid complete destruction. Furious, Christian’s father orders his son to breach the sanctity of the convent where the de Gare heiress has been hiding. The Demon is able to violate the convent and capture his quarry, but not without a fight. The Lady Gaithlin de Gare does not go easily with the Demon. A big woman with long legs and long blond hair, she too has long been taught to hate the House of St. John. Christian escapes to the north with his combative captive and it is a long-running battle that takes them well into Scotland where Christian will hold the woman, demanding the complete surrender of her family’s home in exchange for her life. Gaithlin doesn’t make Christian’s life easy at first; she fights him furiously, unwilling to be a submissive prisoner. But the more times that passes, the more she comes to ease her combative stance and realize that Christian St. John is no ordinary knight; beneath the terrible reputation lurks the heart and soul of a poet. The more she comes to know that side to him, and his secret desire for peace, the more her defenses go down. The Demon is not at all what she had been told; he is a man of intelligence and wit, with a beautiful gift for prose. The warrior is indeed a true warrior-poet in every sense of the word.A man of peace lurks beyond the fearsome façade. Join Christian and Gaithlin as they succumb to searing passion, torn between loyalties and long-standing hatred. As their families turn against them and Christian must face his warring family and answer for his crime of falling in love with the enemy, help and understanding come from the most unexpected of places. From the green forests of Cumbria to the wilds of Galloway, share Christian and Gaithlin’s adventures of murder, betrayal, love, understanding, and of new beginnings.

The Questing Related: Dark Lord, Scorpion (v5.0)
1298 A.D. Lady Diamantha de Bocage Edlington lost her husband at the Battle of Falkirk. Grieving, she is unprepared for the visit of Sir Cortez de Bretagne, King Edward’s garrison commander at Sherborne Castle. Dark and fiery from his Spanish heritage, Cortez is a knight with sultry good looks and a quick temperament. He has also come on a mission. Cortez was the last man who saw Diamantha’s husband alive and promised the dying man he would take care of his wife. He has therefore come to claim her. Horrified, Diamantha struggles to come to terms with what de Bretagne is telling her, but in her heart, resentment and hatred stir: Robert Edlington’s corpse was left upon the fields of Falkirk and de Bretagne, as the last man to see him, is to blame. Therefore, before Diamantha will become de Bretagne’s wife, she makes a demand of him: return for Robert’s body and bring him home for a proper burial. And so, the great Questing to find Robert Edlington’s body begins…. Join Diamantha and Cortez on their great journey from the fields of Dorset to the hallowed grounds of Falkirk, a journey during which they discover great and terrible things about the world, their country, and each other. From the ashes of grief rises a phoenix of great passion, and bonds are forged between Diamantha and Cortez that can never be broken.

For Love and Honor
1469 A.D. Brogan d’Aurilliac is a master sergeant in the infantry of Edward IV. The son of a Germanic knight, he came to England at his father’s death and worked his way up through the ranks of the infantry to become the king’s highest ranking soldier. Brogan is a very large man with power and skill, but uneducated due to his family’s immigrant social standing. He meets our heroine by chance, a member of the mighty de Nevilles, the most powerful ruling family in England. The Lady Avalyn du Brant’s uncle is the all-powerful Richard Neville, "The Kingmaker". Although Brogan knows she is out of his league, he is nonetheless taken by her. Avalyn, too, is intrigued by the big soldier with the heavy accent and menacing presence. What starts out as curiosity about the man turns to something else and her uncle, used to meddling in people’s lives, seeks to separate his niece from Brogan by betrothing her to a powerful but foolish baron. Yet Avalyn is intelligent; she takes charge of the situation and, like a great chess match, seeks to beat her uncle at his own game. Brogan, the man that enemy and ally alike call "The Monster" in battle, offers love, trust, and respect such as Avalyn has never known in this story of reversal of roles. She is the ‘smart and cunning’ one in this battle to save her relationship with Brogan from her uncle’s destruction.

Darkling I Listen
Seeking a new life away from bad circumstances in her native America, Scarlett Ward moves her daughters to England. Their new home, a run-down old rectory, is vandalized the first night in their new country. When Scarlett calls the police to report the crime, a handsome deputy constable appears. Archer Phipps is a well-known figure in North Yorkshire. Tall and handsome, he is immediately taken with the gorgeous American with the dark hair and red lips. A routine police report turns into something warm and curious, and Archer finds himself drawn to the luscious woman. He can also see that she is very guarded. Curiosity turns to concern, and concern to genuine interest. Archer and Scarlett began to fall for each other quickly with a fiery passion borne of lust and magnetic attraction. But something evil is lurking in the mist of the North Yorkshire moors. Ten years ago, when Archer was a new inspector, a series of murders were committed by an individual given the horrific nickname of the Yorkshire Cutter. His crimes were particularly brutal, leaving notes behind at the crime scenes that incorporated poems of great English poets into his twisted taunts. Now, as Archer and Scarlett draw closer, the Yorkshire Cutter rears his ugly head again. Archer finds himself once again embroiled in tracking down a killer that now has his sights set on Scarlett. Through life and death, love and loss, Archer and Scarlett face off against a killer in a tense climax with an unexpected twist. Part thriller, part mystery, and all love story, ‘Darkling, I Listen’ is a true adventure in every sense of the word.

Lady of Heaven (v5.0)
Dr. Fox Henredon, a British Egyptologist and museum curator, and Morgan Sherburn, a cop from Los Angeles who has stumbled across her great-grandmother’s journal from her trip to Egypt back in the 1920’s, team up to find out the truth behind the cryptic diary. Morgan had been told that her great-grandmother died in Egypt of a fever, but comes to discover she may have been murdered because of a mysterious papyrus which is still in the family’s possession. She enlists Dr. Henredon to help her unravel the mystery, but when those two come together the sparks fly. Morgan is determined to go to Egypt to track the clues of the "Lady of Heaven" papyrus, an ancient document alluding to the tomb of the goddess Isis, Fox goes with her, and together they have some of the wildest adventures imaginable!

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