Download ’69 Series by Nikki Paris (.ePUB)

’69 Series by Nikki Paris (1-2)
Requirements: epub/azw3/mobi reader, 375 KB
Overview: I write sweet and steamy novels and novellas. I love coffee, rum, and the word f*ck. My other hobbies include creating Pinterest fails, and pretending I enjoy working out.
Genre: Romance


1. Sure, Pal – Sienna
Please excuse me while I go choke on my jealousy. Ava gets everything she wants, including the guy I’ve always loved. But Ava is my best friend, and she’s always been there for me, so despite her faults, I want her to be happy. I should just get over Evan because he’ll never be mine. It doesn’t matter that sometimes he looks at me like he understands my goddamn soul. It doesn’t matter… I can’t have him.
I take the easy path far too often. I know it. It’s my fatal flaw. I asked out the wrong girl because it was easy, and I just kept dating her because that was easy, too. But it’s the hard things that define us. And it is hard as hell to be in love with your ex-girlfriend’s fiercely loyal best friend. I should get over Sienna because she’ll never be mine. I already messed that up, but I can’t get her out of my head.

2. Of Course, Cutie – Charlie
People always tell me I’m an old soul. Maybe it’s their polite way of pointing out that I don’t fit in with kids my age. It’s fine. They’re right. If there’s one thing I’ve learned in the last two nightmarish years of my life, it’s that time is limited and unpredictable. There’s no point in wasting it by caring too much about what others think. There’s no point in dancing around the things you want. And I want Burke. I don’t care if he’s almost twice my age. Age is relative. I don’t care that he works for my stupidly protective older brother. Evan will get over it. I’m going after what I want.
I’ll chase my ex-wife across the country to keep her from taking my little girl away from me. My daughter is the only thing that truly matters. I’ll take a bartending job to pay the bills and stay close to Tess, and I’ll keep my eyes off my new boss’s cute little sister. I’m not here for her. She’s way too young for me anyway. But Charlie has me thinking and laughing and wondering if I’ve been living my life half asleep. Damn, she’s cute, and she makes me want things that I shouldn’t want.

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