Download 6 Books by Jeffrey Sackett (.ePUB)

6 Books by Jeffrey Sackett
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Overview: Jeffrey Sackett was born in Brooklyn in 1949, and counts himself fortunate to have made it home from the hospital unscathed. After studying briefly for the ministry, he chose to pursue an academic career—this being preferable at the time to his alternative, which was a year in Vietnam as a guest of the government. Sackett lives on Long Island, New York, with his wife Paulette, an artist; their daughters Simonetta (who is enrolled in a culinary program) and Elizabeth (an actress and singer), and their lizard Horatio, a seven foot long iguana. Theirs is the only house in the neighborhood with a sign saying Beware of Reptile on the fence.
Genre: Horror

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Stolen Souls (1987)
For centuries they slept, buried in the dust of ancient Egypt, Lost, but never totally forgotten…Now the seven caskets have come to Greenfield, a peaceful college town in upstate New York…where a young museum curator thinks she has made the acquisition of a lifetime…where the horror is about to begin. For a secret Egyptian cult will do anything to steal the ancient mummies…to begin the unspeakable rituals that will restore the seven to life…One by one, the innocent people of Greenfield will be taken captive, their souls fed to an insatiable evil that only a miracle can conquer…that nothing on earth can stop.

Candlemas Eve (1988)
Simon Proctor isn’t sure what the future will be, but it doesn’t look good. His once soaring career as a musician and performer has plunged to rock bottom. He’s running out of money, ideas, and hope…until two stunning women enter his life — mysterious Gwendolyn and her bewitching friend, Adrienne. With their unique help, his career skyrockets. Now, the future couldn’t look brighter…until Simon discovers who these enticing women really are. Now he isn’t concerned with the future — he’s terrified of the dark and distant past…a past that has suddenly reached across four generations of lust and betrayal to clutch Simon Proctor by the soul and wrench from him a terrifying price.

Lycanthropos (2011)
When a chance encounter between a squad of Hitler’s elite SS troops and a band of gypsies ends in slaughter, the Nazis take a man named Janos Kaldy into custody for the killings. When they find that Kaldy is a werewolf, the Nazis bring in a beautiful young chemist and an aging doctor turned minister to aid in a daring, crazy plan. As the Dr. attempts to regress Kaldy through hypnotism to the root of his curse, the Nazis strive to isolate the enzyme that can turn an army of their troops into an unstoppable killing machine. Steeped in history and drenched in ancient religions and spiritual mystery, Lycanthropos is the original novel that was eventually rewritten into the novel Mark of the Werewolf. One of the most unique werewolf stories ever told.

The Warm and Witty Side of Attila the Hun (2011)
The Warm and Witty Side of Attila the Hun is a collection of historical anecdotes, odd, humourous facts, and things you will never forget, once you know them. They are the product of a life devoted to history…here in the words of the author:
"I once had a student ask me point blank and in all seriousness, "Do you really know all this stuff, or are you just making it up?" Delightful question, and unwittingly flattering. There is no need for any serious teacher of History to make up any unbelievable stories, because so much of it is unbelievable in the first place. I mean, really, think about it: if the story of Henry VIII and his six wives hadn’t actually happened, for example, would anyone believe it? Is there any drama more intense than the story of Cleopatra, Caesar, Antony, and Octavian? (Heck, the entire story of the Julio-Claudian dynasty reads like one long soap opera!) And if Shakespeare had known the details of the life of his two-thousand-mile-away contemporary Ivan the Terrible, my God, what a tragic drama he could have written! (Speaking of which, let us not forget that Macbeth is based on a true story.)

Future History, Reflections on American History (2011)
By the wonder of reverse tachyon technology, we have been able to retrieve a series of essays on the History of the United States which was published (or will be published) in the year 2190 A.D. The author, Hugo Gottfried, was (will be) the custodian of the abandoned research library on Fifth Avenue in New York City. As he began in the middle of the 22nd century to read the old books down in the dark and dusty nether recesses of the crumbling old building, he slowly came to a startling realization: the economically impoverished, militarily impotent, morally bankrupt, totalitarian America of his era was not the great Republic envisioned by the Founders and created by the Framers. We Americans of the early 21st century need to read Gottfried’s reflections very, very, VERY carefully. He explains, from the standpoint of the future, what went wrong in America, when, why, and how. It is not too late the change the course of the river of History! He who has ears to hear, let him hear! (A note on the author: “Hugo Gottfried” is obviously a pseudonym. The author is a college teacher who holds the rank of associate professor. His field is History. He holds three master’s degrees and a doctorate, and has been five times named a Fellow of the National Endowment for the Humanities.)

Grogo the Goblin (2013)
Someone new has moved into the quiet little town of Beckskill, New York. His name is Vernon Sweet, and he is an ex-sidehow geek. Once he was known to the carnival crowds as "Grogo the Goblin." But here he is only a joke, a freak, a hideous obscenity, living with his mysterious guardian in a dilapidated house on the outskirts of town. Vernon Sweet is an abomination of nature. Still, there is something about him…an aura…a strange charisma… No one can explain the shocking series of murders, or the bizarre visions, that now haunt the dark woods surrounding the town. But one thing is certain: an unspeakable evil has found its way to Becksksill – and it has taken the most terrifying form of all.

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