Download 5 Erotic Novels by Matthew Lee (.ePUB)(.PDF)

5 Erotic Novels by Matthew Lee
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Overview: Author Matthew Lee started the Hotwife lifestyle with his first girlfriend at age sixteen. Virtually every relationship he had from then to now has had some form of sharing included. The books you read here are based on a lifetime of Matthew’s sexual experiences.
Genre: Fiction > Erotic > Hotwife

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A Model Hotwife
Toby and Natalee are in great shape, but they weren’t always. No longer the young couple, forty-something came up fast. A change in lifestyle and dedication at the gym has turned them into the hot older couple everyone notices, so it was no surprise when a man approached with an offer to model. America is aging and Nat and Toby are the demographic everyone wants. How could they refuse such a boost to their self-esteem?
But modeling introduces them to other attractive people and desire flares in every direction. Once they get a taste for a spicier life, they begin to discover all types of new things about themselves. Natalee learns to take what she wants and Toby has a lapse in judgement that threatens to doom the marriage.
Some rules you simply do not break. Some lines you do not cross.

Dark Highway
Okay, yes, we had too much to drink. My wife, Trina, got a little carried away. But he is a bigshot Hollywood movie star, after all, so can you blame her? When would an opportunity like this come along again? What a great story, right?
Not so much.
Alcohol wears off and one is left with the regrets of what one did while drunk.
But that night did open a door for us.
Her next time with another man was purely coerced. Well, mostly. It started off that way but Trina warmed to the idea rapidly. The man had us trapped and without options so she did what she had to do. Problem was how quickly Trina embraced her situation.
I’d say he opened that door a little wider but the truth is he threw the door wide. After that, Trina was unstoppable. My wife set free the lusty woman locked inside, the woman she’d kept under control all her life, and then our adventure truly started.
We never looked back.

Hard of Darkness
On an expedition to Africa with her husband Mike, gorgeous and highly educated Kelly discovers a forbidden weakness. Mike is surprised by his own reaction and together our married couple begin a an adventure which eventually leads them home, but to a very different life. Can they adapt?

Holy Joe
Joe and Mary have taken a path of holy service and charity. A man with a sinful past is put in their path and now they learn that they can give even more of themselves than they ever thought they could. As a man’s wife is turned to earthly pleasures, this calling feels more blessing than purgatory. When fire and brimstone fall upon the marriage of a couple who represent the head of a church, will God forgive their carnal cravings as sin is piled on top of sin? Can you look away as those sins are laid bare and Mary asks for even more?
How can the path of this righteous couple be so completely beset by pitfalls and evil men? Blessed by the calling to serve, they travel to Oakville, and on their path, they come upon a lost soul. In the name of charity, they shepherd this young black man into their flock and their calling. But when you learn to love your fellow man, how far will you and your wife go to show that love? Is there a limit to your love when your fellow man is hurting? Is the reason that your sacrificial pain tastes so delicious because pleasure is actually amplified by it?
Find out as Joe and Mary find out. Walk the path with them…

Hotwife Chauffeur
When you are desperate for cash, you’ll do desperate things. When pure happenstance shows you a new way to make money, you grab it with both hands, figuring out the details later. Todd and Tabitha stumble onto a scheme that promises to line their pockets, but comes with a different kind of price. Doubt assails them, especially Todd, but what can a couple of limited means do?
Find out in Hotwife Chauffeur

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