Download 5 East End Books by Gilda O’Neill (.MOBI)

5 East End Books by Gilda O’Neill
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Overview: Gilda O’Neill grew up in the East End of London. Having left school aged fifteen, she later returned to education as a mature student and went on to take three university degrees. Since 1990 she has been writing full-time and has published ten novels and two non-fiction works as well as many short stories, articles and reviews. Her bestselling My East End was published in 1999 by Viking and later Penguin.
Gilda O’Neill is a founder member of Material Girls, a network of women writers across the whole spectrum of the industry. She was married with two grown-up children and lives in the East End.
Sadly she died on 24 September 2010 after a short illness.
Genre: Romance/Family Saga

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Dream On
Ginny has a dream. A huge, pillared house with a sweeping staircase, white and perfect. But life, in reality, is different. She is barely more than a child when her family is killed in the Blitz. Marriage to handsome, charming Ted seems like the answers to her prayers. But Ted is a bully, and violent, and Ginny finds she is trapped, emotionally and practically, reliant on a man who hates the sight of her. Then she meets the glamourous Leila and is introduced to a brave new world. Leila shows her how – if she plays her cards right – she can make her dreams come true.

Playing Around
London in the 1960s, and the city is swinging – what could be more exciting than being eighteen? But there is a dark side to Soho. . . Angie is eighteen years old, and, with the help of a mini skirt, a pair of false eyelashes and a tube of pale pink lipstick, has made herself into a beauty. She’s living in London in the Swinging Sixties, and knows she’s in the best city in the world at the best possible time. She’s got that world at her pretty, white-booted feet as she dances the night away with every handsome bloke on the booming, strobe-lit floor of the Canvas Club. She’s heard all the scare stories of course, about what drink, drugs and discotheques can do to young girls, but Angie knows she’s different. After all, she’s only playing around. But that was before that rainy night, when Angie got into the big, shiny car, leaving her friend Jackie in Soho to find her own way home.

Rough Justice
The Flanagans, the Tanners and the Lovells all live on the top floor of the Turnbury Buildings – a crumbling Victorian tenement in the heart of London’s East End.
Nell Flanagan is a decent, hardworking woman, married to Stephen, a tough, heavy-drinking brute of a man, who works as a casual in the docks – when there’s work available. Nell has hidden the abuse she has suffered at his hands from her young children, although most of the neighbours realise what’s going on.
The Tanners think she must be asking for it, but Martin Lovell has always admired Nell. When he sees Stephen actually attacking Nell, he can stand back no longer, but his actions have repercussions for all the families…
Set in 1936 against a backdrop of civil war in Spain, the threat of fascism in western Europe, and the privations of the Depression at home, Rough Justice is the first novel in a dramatic new series about the lives, loves and losses, the fears, hopes and desires, the failures and triumphs of the families who live and work in and around Turnbury Buildings.

The Bells of Bow
To the outside world seventeen year-old identical twins Babs and Evie Bell are as close as two sisters can be. In fact they are as different as chalk and cheese. Babs is the sensible one, taking on responsibility for the house, and for their dad, Georgie `Ringer’ Bell, who has sunk into drunken, self-pitying despair ever since his wife Violet did a runner with another man. By contrast Evie’s prime object in life is having a good time – and at the moment that involves Albie Denham, a well-known local crook. Apart from organising illegal dog racing, Albie, a natural spiv, has no visible means of support, but when war breaks out he is in his element. Babs senses Albie is drawing her carefree sister closer to the edge of real trouble. And it is not long before she is proved all too right. . .

The Lights of London
The lights of London seem bright to Kitty Miller, but their sparkle soon fades when she finds herself alone and destitute, at the mercy of those that inhabit the fog-bound streets and alleyways of the East End. Until the feisty young prostitute, Tibs Tyler, takes her under her wing, and the two girls, one dark, one fair, set themselves up as a music hall act. As they desperately try to break free from Tibs’s violent pimp, and to avoid the educated and wealthy yet sinister Dr Tressing, they are also hoping to make a new life for themselves as the new century breaks.

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