Download 4 Books by Julia Alaric (.ePUB) (.MOBI)(.PDF)

4 Books by Julia Alaric
Requirements: ePUB/MOBI/PDF reader, 1.7 MB
Overview: The discovery at age five of her mother’s typewriter lurking the bowels of her basement inspired Julia’s first story, a moving, multi-chaptered, twelve-sentence masterpiece about a blood-thirsty blob. Since then, she’s gone on to write many vastly better spelled stories with much happier endings.
Genre: Paranormal Romance MM


Jonah considers himself the most boring person in existence. Even his dreams are boring; the most exciting dream he’s ever had involved folding laundry. But then, in the middle of a dream about eating cereal, everything changes. A faint memory of an unseen visitor, impressions that vanish upon waking, become dreams that leave Jonah exhausted, afraid, and determined to figure out who is turning his boring dreams into a terrifying game of cat and mouse

Perfect Planning
Sam is a man who likes a plan. He doesn’t understand why everyone gets so upset with his need to plan everything. It works well for him, and life is easier when there’s a plan in place. They’ve always worked well for him, no matter what anyone says. Except his plans for Tristan, of course. Those always fail, no matter what he tries, and Sam doesn’t know how to fix them.

Halloween Trick
Life was never easy for Robbie, and death isn’t any easier. Being both ghost and rentboy leaves him with a clientele that is strange at best, and he fervently wishes he could quit once and for all. But the job reminds him of what he is: a dead whore, completely unsuitable for Josh, his amazing roommate who is still very much alive.

Can Anybody Find Me
Will is panicking. In ten days he’ll be thirty, and his life isn’t anything like he imagined it would be at that age. As he considers his future, he sees the possibility for failure. When he thinks of the past, Will sees all the opportunities and loves he’s lost. The only thing he can’t see is what’s right in front of him.

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