Download 30 Days of Relaxation: Mindfulness by Inbar Shahar (.ePUB)

30 Days of Relaxation: Mindfulness Through the Elements by Inbar Shahar (Relaxation Meditation #2)
Requirements: EPUB Reader, 1.5 MB
Overview: This book will lead you on magnificent adventures and to great insights. Using guided meditation, you will take a mental vacation from your daily world and discover the wealth of your own imagination. In finding the richness and joy of imagined worlds, you will learn how to take the feelings you find in your relaxation and apply those benefits later when you return from your meditation. Your tour through mindfulness and relaxation is divided into four weeks, each one based on the elemental forces of water, air, earth, and fire. You will explore these forces through many different mediums, and find the power of inspiration in them all. You will be creative, you will become relaxed, and most importantly, you will have fun!
Genre: Non Fiction, Health


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