Download 3 Racing Horse Thrillers by Charlie De Luca (.ePUB)

3 Racing Horse Thrillers by Charlie De Luca
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Overview: I’m Charlie de Luca. I work in Higher Education but my first love in horses and racing. My father was a permit holder and trained National Hunt horses.
Genre: Fiction > Mystery/Thriller


Making Allowances
Finn McCarthy is an ex jockey who has recently retired. He starts a job as a jockey coach, mentoring conditional jockeys in North Yorkshire. It is a role close to his heart as he knows only too well, how youngsters can be exploited by unscrupulous trainers. Finn is enthusiastic about his new role, but he begins to wonder what is happening when his conditionals are involved in a series of strange incidents.
A young jockey, Sam Foster, is beaten up shortly after winning a race. Finn thinks this is due to a disgruntled punter, but when another lad, Connor Moore, is involved in a hit and run and then Sam goes missing, he decides to investigate further.
He is assisted by Harriet Lucas, a woman that he meets at the races. Harriet is studying Nutrition and working at a racing charity. She helps Finn with Sam when he is beaten up and has important information about one of the men who attacked Sam.
They suspect that the missing jockey may be involved in drug dealing. The pair join forces to find Sam and when the champion jockey gets in touch, they realise that there is far more behind Sam’s disappearance than they realise. Sam is in grave danger and they find themselves in a race against time to find him before the enemy does.

Rank Outsiders
Poppy Ford is a young social worker who works with children in care. She takes over a new case, a young man, called Kyle Devlin, who works in a local racing yard. When Kyle becomes implicated in nobbling one of the horses in his care, she finds herself unwittingly drawn into playing detective with the assistance of jockey, Tristan Davies. However, Poppy has her own mystery to solve. Several girls are going missing from care on a regular basis. They are tight lipped about their whereabouts but Poppy suspects they are being groomed and lured into a sinister underworld. With nobody taking either of their concerns seriously, Poppy and Tristan decide to help each other. Their unusual collaboration reveals far more than they could ever have suspected.

The Gift Horse
Jockey, Charlie Durrant, is asked by his favourite owner, Caroline Regan, to support her grand daughter, Tara, navigate the world of national hunt racing. Caroline intends on buying her a racehorse as a birthday gift. Caroline is an actress and feels Tara is ‘too serious’ and needs a little fun in her life. The horse turns out to be a rather one paced and unpromising at home but on the racecourse, Rose Gold, performs much better. Charlie is very suspicious about this, especially as there are other changes at the yard where he is stable jockey. Could it be that Rose Gold’s performance has been enhanced? Charlie is reluctant to discuss his concerns with Rose Gold’s owner, but when he does, Tara is keen to become involved in finding out what is going on. The two of them become embroiled in a complex plot and find themselves suddenly in real danger.

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