Download 3 Novels by Spike Milligan (.ePUB)

3 Novels by Spike Milligan
Requirements: .ePUB reader, (Frankenstien 0.5MB) (The Bible According to Spike Milligan 1.75MB) (The Bible, the Old Testament 0.6MB)
Overview: When Spike Milligan died in 2002, he left behind one of the most diverse legacies in British entertainment history — as well as a legion of devoted fans and admirers. His themes ranged from environmental issues to the war, from nostalgia to depression, and his prolific output covers some of the most evocative events of the twentieth century, in a style both twistedly comic and harrowingly honest.
Genre: Fiction > General Fiction/Classics


Frankenstein According to Spike Milligan
How Can I describe my emotions at this catastrophe, or delineate the wretch whom with such infinte pains and care I had endeavoured to form? There was a bolt that affixed his neck to his spine, there were screws holding his forehead to his skull; but now was the moment of truth. I plunged the electrodes into his rectum and switched on the current. He gave a groan and he was alive! He spoke as he sat up, ‘Have you got a fag mate?’ My God, I had given birth to a nicotine junky! I handed him a cigarette which I lit, then leaping off the table he stood there. But, alas, we had forgotten one thing, he had no support for his trousers which fell to the floor revealing his manhood in all its glory. If any women saw them they would be leaving their husbands in thousands. Quickly I got some string round his trousers. What had I done? No mortal could support the horror of that countenance! I rushed downstairs, to seek refuge in a cupboard where I remained during the rest of the night walking up and down in great agitation, something difficult to do in a cupboard.

The Bible According to Spike Milligan
Spike Milligan’s legendary war memoirs are a hilarious and subversive first-hand account of the Second World War, as well as a fascinating portrait of the formative years of this towering comic genius, most famous as writer and star of The Goon Show. They have sold over 4.5 million copies.
The Old Testament: but more mad, more merry, more… Milligan!
"And God said, Let there be light; and there was light, but Eastern Electricity Board said He would have to wait until Thursday to be connected."
There have been many interpretations of the Old Testament over the centuries but never one quite like this. Spike Milligan has rewritten, in his own inimitable style, many of the best-known stories of the Old Testament, featuring characters like King "my brain hurts" Solomon, the great oaf of a giant Goliath and the lesser-known crossword clue, Hushai the Archite.
Believers and non-believers alike will enjoy this hilarious re-working, where the jokes, jests and jibes…

The Bible, the Old Testament According to Spike Milligan by Spike Milligan
Spike Milligan has rewritten many of the best known stories of the Old Testament, featuring characters like King Solomon, the great oaf of a giant Goliath, and the well-known Daily Telegraph crossword clue Hushi the Archite.

Download Instructions:
Frankenstein (37807).zip – 157 KB

The Bible According to Spike Milligan
The Bible According to Spike Milli (37811).zip – 1.3 MB

The Bible, the Old Testament According to Spike Milligan
The Bible, the Old Testament Accor (37810).zip – 294 KB

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