Download 3 Novels by Lewis Padgett, C.L. Moore (.ePUB)

3 Novels by Lewis Padgett, C.L. Moore
Requirements: ePUB reader, 7.5Mb
Overview: Lewis Padgett was the joint pseudonym of the science fiction authors and spouses Henry Kuttner and C. L. Moore,taken from their mothers’ maiden names. They also used the pseudonyms Lawrence O’Donnell and C. H. Liddell, as well as collaborating under their own names.
Genre: Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy

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Tomorrow and Tomorrow magazine (Astounding Science Fiction) 1947 edition (ed. Jerry eBooks 2016) + book edition
Tomorrow and Tomorrow begins a hundred years after the Hiroshima A-blast. We meet Joseph Breden, a nuclear physicist chosen as one of the guardians at Uranium Pile Number One. As a member of the Global Peace Commission regulating atomic power, Breden knows his job is vital. But he is troubled with dream – horrifying dreams which suggest he overthrow his duties and permit an explosion! He recognizes a psychological breakdown. But why? Was he driving himself to destruction? Or someone else?

The Portal in the Picture
Under Eddie Burton’s management, the ambitious starlet Lorna Maxwell seemed headed for the top of Broadway’s glamorous world of make-believe. And then she vanished – through a wall where there was no door. Eddie found himself plunging after her into a city beyond reality. In that weird twin city to New York, Eddie became a hunted fugitive while his girl friend turned up as an ever-present face and all-pervading voice that awed and mystified the inhabitants. And Eddie learned that between him and a return to his natural home stood her new manager, a mysterious figure who ruled by a tyrannical combination of super-scientific miracles and brute force.

The Fairy Chessmen (1946) magazine (Astounding Science Fiction) edition (ed. Jerry eBooks 2016) aka Chessboard Planet aka The Far Reality
The doorknob opened a blue eye and looked at him. Cameron stopped moving. He didn’t touch the knob.
He pulled back his hand and stood motionless, watching.
Then, when nothing happened, he stepped to one side. The black pupil of the eye swiveled in that direction. It watched him.
Deliberately he turned his back and walked slowly toward a window valve. The circular pane lightened to transparency as he approached. In a moment he stood before it, two fingers checking his pulse beat, while he automatically counted his respiration…

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