Download 3 Novels by Josephine Bell (.ePUB)

Three Novels by Josephine Bell (.ePUB)
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Overview: Jospehine Bell (the pseudonym of Doris Bell Collier Ball) was born into a medical family, the daughter of a surgeon, in Manchester in 1897.
She attended Godolphin School from 1910 to 1916 and then she trained at Newnham College, Cambridge until 1919. On completing her studies she was assigned to University College Hospital in London where she became M.R.C.S. and L.R.C.P. in 1922 and M.B. B.S. in 1924. She married Dr. Norman Dyer Ball in 1923 and the couple had a son and three daughters.
Genre: Fiction > General Fiction > Historical Fiction


To Serve a Queen (1972)
The Winter Queen in exile . . .
All England is in mourning for King James; First of England and Sixth of Scotland. In the days following the monarch’s demise, the new King Charles grants an audience to a young man who wishes to serve his country as a soldier. Francis Leslie is a boy when we begin our story; a man by the time it is told. On the way he battles foes, loses his heart, and faces death from all angles. All around him is scheming and political intrigue.
Steeped in historical fact, Josephine Bell’s beautifully drawn and atmospheric novel takes us to the royal courts of 17th century Europe where we follow Leslie from the Palace of Whitehall, to the low lands of Holland. There, having been moved by her tragic story, he vows to serve King Charles’ gentle sister, Elizabeth of Bohemia; the exiled Winter Queen.

In the King’s Absence (1973)
A King flees for his life . . .
On a dark autumn evening in 1651, the young King Charles II escapes in beggar’s rags to a life of exile in the European courts. In this time of great uncertainty, families are divided and friends are pitted against each other. As the son of a dashing royalist colonel, young scholar Alan Ogilvy is thrown into a life of subterfuge and danger. As he does the exiled king’s bidding on both sides of the channel, he meets the beautiful daughter of his estranged Puritan uncle, and falls in love. But can their love survive their different faiths, and the schemes of their vengeful uncle, who is out to destroy them at all costs?

Question of Loyalty aka A Question of Loyalties (1974)
Josephine Bell tells of the romantic and gripping early career of John Churchill, later to become the first Duke of Marlborough. His youth was spent in the Courts of Charles II and James, Duke of York; glittering, reckless Courts, with their gambling, dancing, duelling, love-making and luxury. He was a man of fearless action and served in the army of the Duke of York in France with great distinction and rapid promotion – but his loyalty to the Duke was destroyed after the latter’s succession to the throne. When William of Orange landed at Brixham to take the throne of his Protestant wife, Mary, John Churchill, already in peril of his life, left his post to join him. No doubt the outstanding love affair of his life was with Sarah Jennings, later to become his wife. For her he rejected the bawdy, promiscuous life at Court for a marriage which was to be a life-long, loving devotion. This is Josephine Bell at her skilful and romantic best.

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